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Murphy - My little fur buddy!

I was born a poor, mixed breed; dad was a Collie and mother was a Border Collie. I am not sure where I was born, the first thing I remember is getting dropped out of a truck in this strange town. It was late in the evening, and I didn’t know where to go. I searched around trying to hide from any of the people I saw. I finally found a hole under a big green barn and crawled deep inside it. It was dark and scary, but I felt safe.

This was in the hot time of the year, and I was a mere six months old, just a pup. I was really scared, there was a lot of people around, but I had not had much luck with people so far. The people who my parents, brothers, and sister lived with did not feed us much and sometimes would kick us. The man in the hat would always yell at us and took away my brothers and sisters, and I never saw them again.

I went out exploring the area; there were lots of other animals I could have played with; however, I didn't know them either. There was a family of skunks around the corner, and that was close enough, they seemed nice, but hard to be around. The possums seem sneaky, and the raccoons steal your stuff, so I just stayed by myself. I found a blanket left on a golf cart that was parked by the barn, and I drug it into my little home in the hole, it made it a more comfortable.

One good thing about this place where I was living, there was food everywhere. People who worked in the barn would leave all kinds of great food out for me. They seemed to want to be friends, but it was hard to trust them. One man who, always called "Herrrreeee boy" left a lot of good food lying around. I don't know if it was just for me, but it was sure good!

I usually slept during the heat of the day and went out at night. That is when I started seeing that funny looking car that was black and white. When he would see me, then he would always shine that stupid light on me. Man, that was annoying. I would run, and he would follow for a while. I was too quick and sly for him, but he was fun to watch. Sometimes he would get out of the car, tempt me with food, but I kept my distance. He did have some good chicken that he threw out of the car to me.

That is when I learned my special trick, when anyone, especially the man in the black and white car, would chase me, I would run a little bit, then hid under a bush or something until I saw they were gone. I would then double back and get the food they threw out. I was eating well, getting a lot of exercise, I was looking good!

One night I smelled some of that chicken, and well, it was in this wire thing, just across the street from the barn. It didn't look to safe, but there were no humans anywhere around. I walked all around it, sat and watched for a long time, no one was around. I had a bad feeling about it, but it smelled so good. That night I was starving, so I went in any way, and well, you guessed, something dropped down in the door, and I was trapped.

I was in there for quite awhile, I tried to chew on the wires but could not get out. Well, after some time that guy in that black and white car came back and shined that light on me again. He and some other men came to the place where I was trapped. They were all around me, and the one from the car opened the little door. You know he reached in real gently and petted me. I was scared, but his touch was ok. He then tried to pick me up and take me out of the cage, but I was trying to stay away. When he got me near to the door, put a rope around my neck, and when it tightened down on my neck, well, I wasn't having any of that, so I pulled away. He pulled me towards him, and I spun around, got away from their hands and bit through the rope. I was free again; I ran off a little bit, then did a happy dance, and shook my butt at them. I'm free, I’m free; you can't catch me.

I can tell you now; I never went back inside a thing like that again. That incident made me even more leery of that guy in the black and white car. He still shined his lights on me and put food out, but I didn't get close.

It was getting colder now, and I need to change my habits. During the colder weather, I came out more in the daytime and slept at night by the heat place under the barn. The guys that make all the noise at the barn would leave food out a lot, and it was some good stuff. The one that always said, "Herrrreeee Boy" would try to get me to come to him, I thought about it, because he seemed nice, but humans still scared me.

I am seeing a lot more humans now that I am out during the day time and I’m meeting more dogs. Some of the dogs tell me that the people they are with are ok, but I still don't know. Kaycee and Toby, who are shelties, they look like me, but I’m bigger. They seem to have a nice man with them, and he calls to me and brings food, but I still am unsure, I think he was there the night I got caught in that cage, so…

I met another swell sheltie named Bronte, his people seem nice. Lizzy, a Jack Russell Terrier and that friend of hers, a mutt like me, hmmm I don't remember her name, they were fun. I liked that man too, he was fun to tease, but it almost got me killed.

I saw him one day as they were walking down the street. I was running up and poking him in the leg with my nose, then running off. Well, in having my fun I was not paying attention and ran in front of a car. It tapped me pretty well, knocked me for a loop. The humans ran towards me, I was hurt, but still jumped up and ran off as quick as I could. Straight home I ran, hid and stayed quiet for a couple of days. I was sore, luckily I had some bones to chew on, and the men in the barn put food near. There was always water in puddles just outside so I could get a drink, a little muddy but ok.

Being on my own wasn't bad, I could do what I wanted, and I never had a rope around my neck. One night on the edge of town I found this big bone, I mean huge, as long as me, and I could barely get my mouth around it. I was taking it home when that guy in the black and white car shined that light on me again. He must have thought it was funny because he was laughing. I guess I did look silly; a huge bone being carried by little old me. Boy, I chewed on that bone back at the barn every night, for weeks.

While I was out exploring I always had fun with the cats and squirrels, they both are ok, and I like to chase them. I never wanted to hurt them; I just like to see them run from me. The cats, I would see them, but act like I didn't, until, I was almost to them, then, BARK BARK BARK, and wow, would they jump and run.

The squirrels, on the other hand, wouldn't let me get close, but I would chase them up a tree, and I'll be, they would bark back at me. Well kind of, a squirrely bark. Sometimes I would just hide and watch them, they are fun, and I wished they would let me play tag with them. Maybe I was getting lonesome. It was only me; I just didn't trust anyone else.

There are more and more people that call to me, they all call different names, I wished I knew what my name is. Oh well, I guess “dog” is good enough, except there are a lot of us. A lot of people, when they see me, they point at me like they have never seen a dog before. Their houses look warm, and I bet they have a nice place to sleep, but my blanket under the barn is not bad, a little dirty and drafty, but pretty warm.

The nights are getting cold, so I am always out in the day time now. I watch the people move around during the day, but they hide at night. The people that have Bronte the Sheltie, they have food outside, of course, it’s for the cats. It's not as good, but if I get real hungry, it will do. I have been seeing the man with the two Sheltie's he walks on ropes, I would really, like to play with them. They keep telling me to come and play, I run around them, tease them, but stay a little bit away. I still see that funny looking car, and he has even tried harder to get me to come close, not me I’m free, and he can’t catch me!

I like to play around with and tease the other dogs that are in a fence or on a rope. They don't have the freedom I have; I like to run around them and bark or tease their people. Sometimes I will just sit outside of their fence and the other dogs, and I will nuzzle each other until their humans come out. I can go where I want but they can't. I do get lonely at times, it would be good to have someone to be with, and pet me. Oh well, maybe someday.

One day I followed Bronte home with his people, and not paying attention to where I was I walked into the fenced area where he lives. Oops, they shut the gate on me, but hehe hehe, there is not a fence made that can hold me. Over the top I went, it was high, but not high enough, I would have loved to see the look on their faces as I went over the top. I did my happy dance as they watched me from over the top of the fence. Ha ha ha, you can’t catch me!!!

It’s freezing out now, I sometimes only come out from the barn long enough to get some food. There are not many of my friends out anyway. I sleep most of the day and sometimes watch the people come and go. It seems like the people don't like the cold either, they are in the barn a lot more; sometimes they are very noisy. Oh well, my belly is always full, and I am warm, I just need a friend.

WOW, the white stuff has been coming down fast, it's fun to play in, but then I get wet and cold, I am always glad to get back to the barn where it's warm. The one that says heeerrrreeee boy, really brings me a lot to eat and he seems very nice, today he was holding some chicken in his hand, and I got real close. He then, with a sudden movement, tried to reach out to touch me, humans just aren’t fast enough, not to catch me, he he he!

There is also the guy in the black and white car; he stops when he sees me and calls me, sometimes he throws chicken out to me, I act like I don't notice, but I go back and get the chicken if the raccoons don't beat me to it. He is out at night more than I am, I hide and watch him, he drives all over town, that would be a cool way to travel, I could see me now, being driven around and hanging out the window, just chillin.

A few raccoons moved in under the barn; I don't mind they have been good neighbors, and haven’t stolen anything yet. Better than the skunks, phew weeeeee hope they find somewhere else to live, but, it cold out and I'm not kicking anyone out. I went out today, just to check out the town, found some good food here and there, there is a lot of food out for cats, cats are ok, but their food really kind of stinks, maybe that’s why the skunks like it.

I don't know where that chicken comes from that the guy in the black and white car throw out to me, but mmmm, that's what I'm talking about. But ya gotta love choices, walk around town, have a bite here and a nibble there, it's all good. I like finding a good bone to take home for a good chew in the middle of the night when I'm bored.

What I like doing at night is sitting outside of houses and watching the people and dogs inside. I feel lonesome when I see another dog sitting on a human’s lap getting petted and loved on. I was on a porch one night watching in a window when someone snuck up behind me, I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck, so I didn't even turn around. Bang I was gone, Heheheheh I'm Murphy, you can't catch me.

Actually, I wasn't called Murphy yet, but that is a whole other the story. I was called Heathcliff, Lassie (Hey I'm a boy!) Laddy, Herreee Boy, Roamer, Scamp, and I few names I can't mention when people catch me in their trash.

I've had fun this winter, a lot to do, and meeting more animals all the time and going exploring. I sit and watch the other dogs and their people, Hmmm I need to get over this fear of them, I think some could be nice. Those houses look warm with nice soft things to lie on; I could do that, I think. I'm getting a little tired of my neighbors under the barn, the skunks stink, the raccoons have been stealing, and the opossums are just gross. Maybe I can find a new place to live, but I like this town, very peaceful here and a lot of pretty girl dogs. Hoooowwwwlllll.

It is getting warmer now, the birds are back, wonder where they hide? There is a lot of mud; I hate the mud; I spend half the day keeping my fur clean, you know for the girls, got a reputation to keep up, no ticks or fleas for this boy. I've been making my rounds, I saw that guy in the black and white car again, sometimes he is out during the day, mostly at night. He did call out to me but did not get out of the car, that was odd too, but then he is a human, and they are all strange. We just kind of sat there and watched each other for a while, but then he suddenly put on some pretty red and blue lights and drove off real quick, and his car sounded like a dog howling.

I've seen Toby and Kaycee a lot lately, they keep asking me to come and play with them, I'm getting closer but, hmmm I don't know, well I thought I'd follow them for a while. I did, we played around for a while during their walk. Suddenly, I looked up, and their human is closing a gate on me. I was trapped in his back yard! He said, “I got ya, Hahaha.” I looked around, just 4-foot fence, it can hold me, one jump and I'm out of there, going down the street, singing, I'm free, I'm free, you can't catch me. Toby and Kaycee are barking for me to come back, but well… I'm still not ready; something tells me to say free. I am the top dog in town and do what I want.

Oh, that does it, the skunks have got to go, the babies they had are getting big, and I can't stand the smell. I looked all over town and found them a barn by the park with a nice warm corner; I told them I found them a great new place of their own, and I would help them move. You know what they said, “Thanks, we were going to leave soon when the weather changed because wet dogs smell.” SMELL, me, no way! I look good, smell good; everyone likes me, and I'm FREE.

I saw the man in the funny looking car again today, he got out and watched me but didn’t come towards me, he just stood outside the car door, he looked strange, thinner, and like he was in pain. Then he just got back in his car and left. It was weird, he didn’t even call me.

It’s starting to get warm here, rolling in some flowers and looking for chicks, chasing birds and squirrels all over the place, and food everywhere. I'm eating good, maybe too good, got to keep myself looking sharp. Lean and mean, hehe.

Speaking of mean, there was this big dog chasing a cat friend of mine today, Maggie; she was just catching some rays when this big bully ran after her. Well, no one messes with my buddies, and I cut him off, well, truthfully, I blindsided him. I'm wasn’t as big, but I'm quick, he has teeth marks on his butt to prove it. As with most bullies he ran off, and I nipped at his rear end for about a block, then let him go. I guess that showed him who the top dog of this town is.

I saw Kaycee and Toby again today, those two are so much fun, I ran around and barked at them, and we talked, and played. So, I walked with them and their human for quite a while, and I teased them along the way. Well, we got so busy talking and cutting up, I forgot where I was, I looked up, and I was in a building where humans put their cars, and SLAM, a door went shut, Oh no, I've had it.

I was running around inside the building looking for a way out, nothing in sight, what was I going to do. Toby and Kaycee kept telling me to settle down and just stop and sit down; the human was coming after me. Well, he was talking soft, and he cornered me, then he just softly petted me. I was scared, but that felt good. He was real nice and tried to give me some food, but I was too scared to eat. The dogs came up, and we smelled at each other, then licked each other, maybe this wasn't so bad. We sat in that building for a long time, and Joe (That is what Kaycee called him) petted me, and we played.

Suddenly the door opened up again; I thought this was my chance to escape, but no, it was the guy from the black and white car, and he and someone with him, what were they going to do? The man (Toby called him Scotty) came up to me and petted me real nice; his voice was soft, and he moved real slow. His son, Sam, petted me too and they talked with Joe for a while, they were real kind to me. Well, Sam picked me up and carried me out the door, I tried to wiggle free but couldn’t. Scotty followed us; I thought they were going to set me free, but Scott got into a blue car, that I've never seen him in and Sam put me on his lap. Scotty kept talking to me softly and petting me, and Sam got in the car, and we started moving.

I remembered being in a car once before, that was when someone just put me out the door and drove off, so now I'm really scared. I hope Scotty doesn't know it, but I bet that he can feel me shaking.

We drove out of the town, which I was thinking how much I was going to miss, all my friends, even the skunks. We drove out to the country for a while; it was cool seeing things go by so fast. I loved the wind coming in the window; so I stuck my head out a bit, and the air felt so good. Before long, we pulled up to a house. I tried to wiggle free, but Scotty held me tight, but it didn’t hurt, and he was still being gentle and petting me.

Sam came to the car door and opened it and reached in to get me. I didn't know about him, at least Scotty was kind so far, but where was Sam taking me. Sam carried me into the house, and it was so strange to me, I don’t remember ever being inside a house before, but it was warm, and they had one of those boxes with the moving pictures. Scotty’s wife, Adele, was saying how pretty I am. Excuse me I am a boy; I’m handsome. They were all being friendly and were tempting me with treats. Scotty sat on the couch, he seemed to be in pain, but I just knew I was safe with him, so I jumped up and sat next to him, he smiled and petted me. He told me that we were going to spend a lot of time together, I was going to be his little buddy.

Listening to them talk, I found out that Scotty was sick, he had something called cancer, I don’t know what that was, but he was doing something called radiation and Chemotherapy, neither sounded good. When Scotty came back from his treatments, he would be tired, and I would sit next to him or lay with him in bed. We did become good buddies, spend a lot of the time, just us. He was the best, we would watch the big box, and he would rub my belly and give me snacks. I was home, and I was never going to leave.

Scotty got better, and one day he took me outside and let me in the black and white car. We drove into town, and I hung my head out of the window. As we drove through town, people would point and stare, but I didn’t care, man this was the life, I was cruising with my buddy!

This has been the “True” story of how a stray puppy became Murphy, New Harmony, Indiana’s Town Marshal’s Mascot. Murphy was a big help to Scotty as he was going through treatment and recovering from cancer.

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